Ta-ku-ing a Jackie Chance

This is by far one of my favorite TEDTalks so far. There is so much realness, truth and bad puns packed into 11 minutes. What more can you ask for?

Ta-ku has been an inspiration to me as one who has lived out the mantra: "Do what you love; love what you do." Having made the transition from working in a stable 9-5 in health insurance to being a full-fledged creative maker, I admire him for taking a "Jackie Chance" on himself (as he describes it) in believing what he stands for to be honest, which is never short of bravery in a world that is at times lacking just that. 

For those who know me, despite my background in healthcare and the sciences, I have always talked about exploring different creative outlets and hobbies that Ta-ku has similarly found success in doing - making beats (@takumusic), opening up a barbershop (@westonsbarbershop), contributing to an editorial print magazine (@streetdreamsmagazine), sharing knowledge in sneakers and fashion (@teamcozy), and overall, being a culture influencer who seeks to innovate and find real connection with the people through various platforms. 

Looking up to what Ta-ku has done so far has always lit a fire in me to continue on this pursuit I am genuinely passionate about. I hope to stay hungry in crafting my own creative aesthetic and to experience new creative outlets that will challenge me to feel the sense of fearing the unknown, yet anticipating the best of what may come. 

With the coming months of change, I know this will be a period where I will have to go through the process of finding myself again in the creative interchange before finally sinking my feet into what I want to do. I wonder where the next project will take me.

On a side note: what he said below can't be more true. Listen to the creative process in the EP Songs To Break Up To and subsequently, Songs To Make Up To (this is one of my favorites), for the guide.


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